Monday, November 28, 2016

Creating Clocks

    Wow! We have some excellent time tellers in our class! Students learned to tell time to the nearest five minutes and then created a clock that will help them practice! Every student did a great job and now students should never need to ask you again...."What time is it?" Now you can ask them!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

On our last day before break, students had fun creating turkey headbands and designing patterns!

What the Pilgrims Ate

Ever wonder if the Pilgrims ate the same things that we do now at the first Thanksgiving? Our second graders were asked that very same question! Students were given a large shopping bag full of different kinds of fruits, vegetables, meats, as well as facts about the first Thanksgiving. Students then worked together to fill two plate, one with what they thought the Pilgrims did eat and one with what they thought the Pilgrims did not eat. Students were shocked to find out that the Pilgrims had a lot of fish and there were no forks! Thank you so much to Ms. MJ for being our First Thanksgiving expert and sharing these fun facts with us!

Super Gallon Man the Rescue!

Earlier this month, the second grade students learned liquid measurements! These can be a challenge for students since they do not use these measurements on a daily basis. That is where Super Gallon Man comes the rescue! Each student colored, cut, and pasted together their own personal super gallon man to help them learn our liquid measurements! Hurray for Gallon Man!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Spelling Has Never Tasted So Good!

   This week our spelling words are primarily "oo" words. Today students were asked to write the words their teacher says without writing any o's.  This seemed like quite a challenge until they were handed a small cup of Fruit Loops. Then students realized they could substitute the cereal pieces in place of the o's! Students had a great time  creating each of our spelling words. Here are some pictures! And of course they were able to eat the cereal after spelling!